Edouard Vuillard
Edouard Vuillard's Oil Paintings
Edouard Vuillard Museum
November 11, 1868-June 21, 1940. French painter.

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georg von rosen
The Prodigal Son

ID: 68682

georg von rosen The Prodigal Son
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georg von rosen The Prodigal Son

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georg von rosen

Johan Georg Otto von Rosen, född 13 februari 1843 i Paris, död 1923 i Stockholm, var en svensk konstnär och greve av ätten von Rosen. Han målade i den akademiska stilen, till stor del historiemåleri och porträtt. Han var professor vid Konstakademien 1880-1908 och dess direktör 1881-1887 samt 1893-1899. Som konstakademiens direktör kom han i stark konflikt med den nya generation av konstnärer som krävde reformer av akademiens utbildning och utställningsverksamhet, de så kallade opponenterna. Georg von Rosen föddes i Paris 1843 som son till generalkonsuln greve Adolf Eugene von Rosen (kallad "de svenska järnvägarnas fader") och hans hustru Euphrosyne Rizo-Rangabe. Hans första levnadsår förflöt i Paris, varifrån familjen flydde till Sverige under februarirevolutionen 1848. Han studerade 1855-1861 vid Konstakademien i Stockholm. 1862 besökte Rosen världsutställningen i London där han lärde känna belgaren Henri Leys' arbeten, målningar med scener från medeltiden och renässansen målade i ålderdomlig stil. Dessa verk gjorde ett stort intryck på von Rosen. Han skrev själv Stående hvarje dag i flere timmar, försjunken i åskådandet af dessa om en snart sagdt öfvermänsklig intuition vittnande bilder, som likväl flertalet i den stora hopen med likgiltighet skred förbi, drömde jag mig tillbaka in i en hänsvunnen tid och för mina yttre ögon försvann hela den öfriga utställningen, den omgifvande mängden, ja hela den existerande verlden! Då jag lemnade London, var jag på 14 dagar vorden 300 år äldre. Rosen uppsökte följande året mästaren i Antwerpen och tillbringade en tid i hans umgänge och i hans atelje. Återkommen till Sverige, inspirerad av mötet, målade han Sten Sture d.ä. intåg i Stockholm. Den medeltida stadsmiljön med det noggranna återgivandet av stenläggningen och den närmast osannolika rikedomen på byggnadsdetaljer känns igen från Leys målningar. von Rosen belönades med kunglig medalj för målningen, och blev hyllad och uppskattad av Oscar II på grund av bildspråket, som i hög grad uttryckte den oscarianska epokens ideal. Samma år begav han sig ut på resa och besökte Egypten, Palestina, Syrien, Osmanska riket, Grekland och Ungern där han studerade måleri. 1866 vistades han ett år i Rom och vistades sedan åter hos Leys fram till dennes död 1869. Därefter studerade han i Menchen under Karl Piloty och reste sedan vidare till Italien innan han återkom till Sverige 1871. Efter hemkomsten målade han Erik XIV och Karin Månsdotter. 1872 blev han ledamot av Konstakademien, 1874 blev han vice professor, 1879 kammarherre och 1880 professor i figurteckning och målning. 1881-1887 samt 1893-1899 var han direktör för Akademins läroverk. 1892-1900 var han även ordförande i Nordiska samfundet till bekämpande av det vetenskapliga djurplågeriet, numera Djurens Rätt. Han avled 1923 och förblev ogift under hela sitt liv.  Related Paintings of georg von rosen :. | Eric XIV, King of Sweden | The Entry of Sten Sture the Elder into Stockholm | The Prodigal Son | joran persson och karin mansdotter | The Explorer A.E. Nordenskiold |
Related Artists:
Adolphe Bouguereau
French 1825-1905 French painter. From 1838 to 1841 he took drawing lessons from Louis Sage, a pupil of Ingres, while attending the coll?ge at Pons. In 1841 the family moved to Bordeaux where in 1842 his father allowed him to attend the Ecole Municipale de Dessin et de Peinture part-time, under Jean-Paul Alaux. In 1844 he won the first prize for figure painting, which confirmed his desire to become a painter. As there were insufficient family funds to send him straight to Paris he painted portraits of the local gentry from 1845 to 1846 to earn money. In 1846 he enrolled at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, in the studio of Fran?ois-Edouard Picot. This was the beginning of the standard academic training of which he became so ardent a defender later in life. Such early works as Equality (1848; priv. col., see 1984-5 exh. cat., p. 141) reveal the technical proficiency he had attained even while still training. In 1850 he was awarded one of the two Premier Grand Prix de Rome for Zenobia Discovered by Shepherds on the Bank of the River Araxes (1850; Paris, Ecole N. Sup. B.-A.). In December 1850 he left for Rome where he remained at the Villa Medici until 1854, working under Victor Schnetz and Jean Alaux (1786-1864). During this period he made an extensive study of Giotto's work at Assisi and Padua and was also impressed by the works of other Renaissance masters and by Classical art. On his return to France he exhibited the Triumph of the Martyr (1853; Lun?ville, Mus. Lun?ville; see fig. 1) at the Salon of 1854. It depicted St Cecilia's body being carried to the catacombs, and its high finish, restrained colour and classical poses were to be constant features of his painting thereafter. All his works were executed in several stages involving an initial oil sketch followed by numerous pencil drawings taken from life.
Joseph Siffred Duplessis
French Painter, 1725-1802 was a French painter, known for the clarity and immediacy of his portraits. He was born into a family with an artistic bent and received his first training from his father, a surgeon and talented amateur, then with Joseph-Gabriel Imbert (1666?C1749), who had been a pupil of Charles Le Brun. From 1744-47 or later he worked in Rome, in the atelier of Pierre Subleyras, who was also from the south of France, who died in 1749. In Italy Duplessis became fast friends with Joseph Vernet, another Occitan. He returned to Carpentras, spent a brief time in Lyon then arrived about 1752 in Paris, where he was accepted into the Academie de Saint-Luc and exhibited some portraits, which were now his specialty, in 1764, but did not achieve much notice until his exhibition of ten paintings at the Paris salon of 1769, very well received and selected for special notice by Denis Diderot; the Academie de peinture et de sculpture accepted him in the category of portraitist, considered a lesser category at the time. He continued to exhibit at the Paris salons, both finished paintings and sketches, until 1791, and once more, in 1801. His portrait of the Dauphine in 1771 and his appointment as a peintre du Roi assured his success: most of his surviving portraits date from the 1770s and 1780s. He received privileged lodgings in the Galeries du Louvre. In the Revolution, he withdrew to safe obscurity at Carpentras during the Reign of terror. Afterwards, from 1796, he served as curator at the newly-founded museum formed at Versaillles, so recently emptied of its furnishings at the Revolutionary sales. His uncompromising self-portrait at this time of his life is at Versailles. His adjusted his style to the social condition of his sitter: his portrait of Charles-Claude, comte d'Angiviller, director of the Batiments du Roi, is as distant and conventional as his state portrait of Louis XVI in coronation robes (1776), while his realistic and intimate portrait of the opera composer Christoph Willibald Gluck (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) catches the composer at the keyboard in a moment of inspiration and his penetrating portrait of the sculptor Christophe Gabriel Allegrain (Louvre Museum, illustration) shows him having just laid down his chisel: this was the morceau de reception that gained him admittance to the Academie. Duplessis' Benjamin Franklin on the U.S. hundred dollar billHis portrait of Benjamin Franklin (1778),
R. Talbot Kelly
English, 1861 - 1934

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